As procurement experts, we understand the importance of delivering cost effective solutions which offers value for money and return on investment (ROI).
Through our tech-enabled procurement managed services, we provide clients with the confidence that they are working with the right suppliers in the right way.
What is SMART
We utilise our proven methodology to deliver high quality, high value best practice procurement services. SMARTprocurement™ supports the strategic sourcingthrough our 5 principles:
Ensuring your procurement approach is fully aligned to your organisation’s strategic objectives.
Understanding the success of procurement activity through the accurate measuring of key metrics including savings, KPIs and SLAs.
Following best practice procurement to determine the best approach to market, build robust action plans which are well-governed and fully auditable.
Collaborating and coordinating with partners, suppliers and key stakeholders to ensure best results for all parties.
Progressing up the procurement maturity curve to where the procurement function is core to the organisation’s success.